Welcome to TeddyGraff.com

Within these pages, you’ll find postings of many different things. 

Are you into fitness? Product and supplement reviews?

These are some of the topics, among others, you will read about as you wander through my space on the internet.

My goal with this blog is to connect with people with similar interests, entertain, educate and learn as I travel on this journey and mold this into wherever my creative mind takes me.

You might learn something along the way if you’re on the same path as me, and I know I could learn a lot from you as well. 

But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Teddy, just in case the name of the site didn’t give that away initially. 

I was born and raised in NYC and currently reside in the Garden State. And while NJ is where I spend most of my time, New York City will always have a huge piece of my heart. If you’ve ever been there, or especially, lived there, you know that it has an energy that no other place can replicate. 

patrick tomasso SVVTZtTGyaU unsplash
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

I’m an electrician by trade since 2009 after bouncing around between a bunch of different jobs and a couple of attempts at college after graduating high school. So if you ever find yourself in New York City, know that it’s an honor to do my small part to light it up for you. 

Simply put, I’m a guy carving out his own space, doing the things I enjoy with the people who matter to me the most, and sharing what I can, all the while keeping God first and always knowing that it is through Him any of it is possible.

If you’ve stuck around this far, I thank you for doing so. Hit the follow button so we can stay connected in this endless internet universe, and I look forward to seeing you around.