5  Great Tips For Workout Motivation

5 Great Tips For Workout Motivation

It’s been said that you shouldn’t rely on motivation, but rather discipline, because motivation is fleeting, and being disciplined will keep you on top of your game even when motivation is lacking. 

I agree with this statement, and often times you will find that starting doesn’t come from motivation, but rather motivation comes after you start. 

However, sometimes we all need a little jumpstart in the moment to get us going, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

5 Lessons I Would Tell My Younger Self As A Lifter

5 Lessons I Would Tell My Younger Self As A Lifter

This is a big one and one that took me a long while to get over. 

When I first began to take lifting seriously and seek out information online, intermittent fasting, lean gaining and body recomp were all the rage.

This sounded perfect to me.

Gain super slowly, all muscle, and just the tiniest amount of body fat. 

“Stay the same scale weight by gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time”.

Except in reality, I most likely just ended up spinning my wheels for a long time.

Affordable Olympic Weight Bench (Flybird Fitness)

Affordable Olympic Weight Bench (Flybird Fitness)

I train in a garage gym, and I really like that this doesn’t take up a huge amount of space, and is also very easy to move around as long as there aren’t any plates stacked anywhere on it.

I have only owned and used this weight bench for a few months at the time of this writing, which isn’t a significant amount of time. But up until this point the fabric on the padding as well as the cushioning inside is holding up well.

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Review (Rich Chocolate)

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Review (Rich Chocolate)

Most of us know protein for its muscle-building properties. However, protein goes far beyond that and also aids in immune function, bone health, and weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and helping to curb appetite. 

Protein is also a great way for us to take in the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies need, yet aren’t able to produce on their own. 

A good whey protein powder offers us a convenient, tasty option to consistently and reliably get those into our diets. 

In this article, we are going to be talking about Dymatize Whey Protein Chocolate.

MTS Nutrition MTS Whey Protein Review (Vanilla Ice Cream)

MTS Nutrition MTS Whey Protein Review (Vanilla Ice Cream)

Protein is responsible for helping us recover from our training and build the muscle tissue we work so hard for. 

Protein also benefits beyond just helping us recover and see results from what we do in the gym. 

Protein is also involved in bone health, carrying important nutrients through our bloodstream and helping to strengthen our immune system. 

Another perk of protein is its effect on satiety and helping us feel full after eating protein-rich foods. This comes in handy for anyone who might be trying to lose or maintain their weight, as eating foods high in protein can help us control our appetite by helping us feel fuller for longer.